In this manuscript, we assume that the knowledge necessary for teaching, whether in elementary, secondary or higher education, results from an ontological process that begins before the initial teacher training course, as indicated by Freire (1996), Gauthier et al. (2013), Nóvoa (1992, 2017) and Tardif (2000, 2012, 2014). In the ontological process, reconstructed during a doctoral research, we analyzed the Brazilian National Common Curricular Base and the Curricular Reference of the State of Rondônia. With the objective of establishing relations between curricular knowledge and the study domains of didactic transposition, we identify, explicitly or implicitly in the textualization of both documents, the publicity, social control and curricular programs regarding planetary models. The results indicate that both documents list practically the same curricular knowledge, with regional specificities not being considered in the state document. The discussion of planetary models is indicated for the last two years of elementary school, discussing the current configuration of the solar system, without textualizing the historical and epistemological development of scientific theory. In the case of the state document, we did not identify regional knowledge, such as Astronomy and Cosmology of the indigenous peoples.