Argentinian Validation of Subtle and Blatant Prejudice Scale Towards Slum Dwellers


  • Mariela Muller Universidad de Flores
  • Joaquín Ungaretti Universidad de Buenos Aires; CONICET
  • Edgardo Etchezahar Universidad de Buenos Aires; CONICET


Emergency lands in Argentina or "villas" (suburbs) are the result of migratory movements, and their inhabitants are a minority group called “villeros” (inhabitants of shantytowns). Sometimes the term is used with a negative connotation being associated to different kinds of criminal behavior. Thereby, prejudice levels towards shantytowns’ inhabitants have increased significantly over recent decades. The main objective of the present study was to adapt and validate a Subtle and Blatant Prejudice Scale towards inhabitants of shantytowns. Data was collected from 266 citizens from Buenos Aires city, with ages between 19 and 55 years old. The internal consistency for the global prejudice towards villeros scale (α = ,82) and for the blatant prejudice (α = ,84) and subtle prejudice (α = ,72) dimensions were adequate. Furthermore, the unidimensional model (χ2 [gl] = 166,30[77]; CFI = ,92; RMSEA = ,06), as well as the bidimensional model (χ2 [gl] = 165,19[76]; CFI = ,92; RMSEA = ,06) shows adequate fit. In addition, strong associations were found between the global prejudice scale and both dimensions of prejudice towards villeros with authoritarianism, social dominance and intergroup anxiety. Results are discussed related to previous studies, as well as the scope and limits of the evaluation.


prejudice, shantytowns, authoritarianism, social dominance, validation