Determination of standards for the E.P.P.S. in senios high school students of humanist-scientific education of the Metropolitan Region


  • Iris Gallardo R Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Chile
  • Luz María Pinto L Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Chile
  • Elizabeth Wenk W Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Chile


The present work refers to the standarization of the E.P.P.S., in a version adapted in 1969 in our country, on a sample of 12th grade students of the metropolitan region, boys and girls, belonging to three socio-economic levels: high, mid and low.

The results allowed to obtain differential norms by sex and two socioeconomic groups: high-mid and low.

These norms are given in percentiles and in T-scale scores.

It emphasizes the ipsative nature of the scores given by the test, specially related to the interpretation of the scores.