Demands From Required Conditions for Creative Development Over Institutional Management of Schools: Observed Characteristics That Emerge From more Than a Decade of Investigations


  • Ma. Isidora Mena Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Ruby Vizcarra Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Creativity appears to be a human potential, but has specific requirements for its
development and open expression. In fact, there are contexts that promote creativity
and others that don’t; these are contexts in which this ability is repressed, punished
or ignored as an educational resource. This can be appreciate when people who
don’t consider themselves as creative persons are asked about fantasies in private
domains as sexuality, cooking or other, they realize that in fact they do have
expressions of creativity in these specific, more private domains.
This article intends to search clues related to contexts that facilitate creativity’s open
expression by a review of surveys that these authors developed, between 1981 and
2004 as investigators of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. These studies
focused in school contexts. This revision includes: theoretical reviews, ethnographic
studies, cuasi-experimental surveys, strategic applications in educational contexts,
and, as a whole, gives place to the creation of an investigation line in which it’s
possible to discuss some hypothesis about observed school contexts characteristics
which promotes creativity development in students.


Creativity, context, significant learning, educational institutions culture