Practical Application of Memopoc informatized Memory Test: A test of the procedure


  • Nieves Schade Docente del departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Concepción
  • Pilar Hernández Docente Departamento de Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Concepción
  • Bárbara Elgueta Instituto Diego Portales


The present study attempted to implement a computerized version of a conventional test. Specifically, through a descriptive statistical model, a pilot application of the test MEMOPOC for evaluating memory was performed in order to determine the applicability of a computerized format. Two aspects where evaluated: the technical and the formal. The sample was constituted by 36 children, from kindergarten to fourth grade elementary, of a municipal school in the district of Concepción. The results indicate that there are few technical errors to correct and also showed the benefits that meant changing to a computerized system. The discussion is based on the projections of the test and benefits of computerized tests in psychometric evaluation.


Computerized test, evaluating, memory.