Adaptation and Validation of the short version of the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWA) in a Chilean sample


  • Manuel Cárdenas Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Luis Parra Universidad Católica del Norte


This study presents an adaptation of a short version of the rightwing authoritarianism scale (RWA). Participants were two samples of high school and university students. The scale adapted had items that were shorter, with less extreme wording and less reference to specific groups. The scale reliabilities was .72 (Cronbach's alpha). Multiple regression analyses revealed that the social dominance orientation scale (SDO) and nationalism scale substantially contribute to variance in RWA. The short version of RWA scale seems to possess the structure of three dimensions predicted by the theory, showing proper fit index in the confirmatory factor analysis.    


Right-wing authoritarianism, reliability, validity, Chile