In this article, we report the analysis of reconstructed dialogues (DREC) in a sample of the socially-stratified corpus PRESEEA-Caracas (Bentivoglio & Malaver 2006, 2012; Gallucci, González & Malaver 2013). In this first approach to the use of DREC as a polyphonic instance in Spanish spoken in Caracas, we identified several features in these dialogues: types of quotes, introductory framework, turn-taking configuration, and type of narrator. Moreover, we also examined the potential relationship between DRECs and social variables (i.e., gender, age and level of instruction). Results show i) that DRECs are usually constituted by cases of direct speech without a verb or freestanding quotations (Cameron 1998); ii) that the introductory frame of DRECs tends to be an instance of direct speech headed by a communication verb, iii) that the sequences of the dialogues are organized in pairs of question/answer or assertion /response; iv) that the narrator animates two voices, including their own. Regarding extralinguistic variables, we found that the use of DRECs in our sample was associated with the gender of the speakers and their level of instruction.
Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: María José Gallucci (, Departamento de Filología, Universidad de Navarra. Campus universitario 31009. Pamplona, España. ORCID 0000-0001-8554-1970.
Gallucci, M. J. (2021). Reconstructed dialogues in the sociolinguistic interview. Boletín De Filología, 56(1), pp. 355–378. Retrieved from