A linguistics finding. The works of B. Mitre and S. Lafone Quevedo on the “Doctrina cristiana y catecismo en la lengua Allentiac” of L. de Valdivia (1894 [1607])
In 1894, the chilean José Toribio Medina publishes, in Sevilla, a copy of the work of the priest Luis de Valdivia SJ on allentiac language (1607), which, until then, was thought to be missing. This work set the ground for a series of publications on the subject of allentiac, by the main argentinian referents in modern americanism. Samuel Lafone Quevedo writes, from september to october in the newspaper La Nación, the “Arte y vocabulario de la lengua Allentiac (Guarpe)”. Bartolomé Mitre publishes, also in 1894, in the journal Revista del museo de La Plata a review of Valdivia’s work, “American languages. A bibliographical and linguistic study of the works of P. Luis de Valdivia on araucanian and allentiak, with a reasoned vocabulary of allentiak”.
In this article, we intend to reveal a manner of working that is consolidated in the decade of 1890 among some of the (sud)american linguistics main actors. We will analyze the background of these publications with personal (and unpublished) exchanges held by these two particular thinkers, in which they construct and reconstruct data and representations on indigenous languages. The study of some of each’s papers, plus other material published in different media, will allow us to uncover the flow of information and the collective construction of linguistic knowledge in Argentina.
American linguistics, Indigenous languages, Bartolomé Mitre, Luis de Valdivia, Samuel Lafone Quevedo
Author Biography
Sofía De Mauro, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Sofía De Mauro (sofia.de.mauro@unc.edu.ar), Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellon Agustin Tosco, Córdoba, Argentina.
De Mauro, S. (2021). A linguistics finding. The works of B. Mitre and S. Lafone Quevedo on the “Doctrina cristiana y catecismo en la lengua Allentiac” of L. de Valdivia (1894 [1607]). Boletín De Filología, 56(1), pp. 301–327. Retrieved from https://boletinjidh.uchile.cl/index.php/BDF/article/view/64212