The Spanish word "dialecto" has experienced a long and complexhistorical elaboration. The main aim of these pages is to reconstructthe history of the term and the concept of "dialecto" in Spanish.To this goal, materials coming from the "Diachronic Corpus of theSpanish Language", by the Real Academia Española, have beenhandled, as well as sources from different languages. The word"dialect" entered Spanish by the second half of 16th century, eitherdirectly from Greek, or from Greek through a neolatin language.The date of entrance of "dialecto" in Spanish must be subsequent to1535 and probably previous to 1580. Extensive polisemy of the word"dialect" throughout its history in Spanish reproduces the existing onein classic Greek and its derived forms in the European languages. By19th century, the use of "dialecto" applied to State languages couldbe due to an influence received from France. Along the 20th century,a movement of the concept has taken place towards the specializedscope of Linguistics, which has brought about the enrichment of itslexical paradigm and the reinforcement in the use of the meaningrelated to geolinguistic variation.
Dialect, Dialectology, Corde, Spanish, History, RAE
Moreno Fernández, F. (2008). The “dialecto” term in the history of the Spanish. Boletín De Filología, 43(2), Pág. 175–204. Retrieved from