Hernán Urrutia Cárdenas
Departamento de Filología Española, Universidad del País Vasco, Campus de Leioa, Barrio de Sarriena 48940, Leioa, Leioa Vizcaya
The gender morpheme in American Spanish diverges slightly from the Peninsular Spanish norm. And even more significant: existing variations are alternative solutions allowed by the language system. Even though usage makes a given solution prevail historically over others, reduced instability, shared all over the Hispanic environment, is kept principally because of the reinterpretation of complex generic distinctions that move away from more general oppositions.
Spanish morphology, gender morphemes, American Spanish
Urrutia Cárdenas, H., & Ramírez Luengo, J. L. (2004). El morfema de género en el español de América. Boletín De Filología, 40, Pág. 263–284. Retrieved from https://boletinjidh.uchile.cl/index.php/BDF/article/view/17989