
Todos los números de Acta Bioethica (desde 2000 a la fecha) están disponibles en formato PDF en los sitios:

Acta Bioethica

SciELO Chile

The Challenges of Transhumanism to Bioethics



This article explores the challenges presented to bioethics by the emergence of transhumanism in the West. The exploration is approached from a genealogical research perspective. A genealogical investigation aims to question the conditions of intelligibility of transhumanism and from there analyze its impacts on the updating of a central debate in bioethics, namely: the limits to the manipulation of human life. Transhumanism, inhabiting the crisis of humanism that precedes and compels it, updates the issue of the human condition by presenting a line of argument that at least authorizes to formulate again the limit question: can we/should we go beyond the human?


Humanism, Transhumanism, Posthumanism, Biopolitics, Technosciences