Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional <p>The Chilean Journal of Occupational Therapy (ReChTO) is a publication of the Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, which publishes original works on occupational therapy, occupational science, and other related issues To these fields of action and knowledge. Papers sent to ReChTO must comply with the standards specified in "Instructions to Authors". The works that comply with the formal requirements will be submitted to peer review. The Editorial Committee will decide on its publication, reserving the right to request modifications to the main author or to reject the publication. The material sent will not be returned. The ReChTO does not charge fees for the submission of papers, nor does it charge for the publication of its articles. The ReChTO is free from the moment of the publication of each number and its contents are distributed with the Creative Commons license (Recognition) that defines it freely according to the Budapest Declaration in favor of open access. The ReChTO provides free, immediate and free access to all its contents, in PDF formats, in order to guarantee the maximum dissemination of the contributions made by the authors.</p> Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina es-ES Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 0717-6767 <p>The submission and evaluation of the manuscripts received implies that the authors declare that they are original and exclusive owners of the economic and moral rights of authorship of the article, in accordance with the provisions of Law 17.336 on Intellectual Property (Chile) In case of having used other works in the creation of the article, in whole or in part, they declare that they have the respective authorizations or licenses to use their respective holders or that their use is expressly protected by law. &nbsp;</p> <p>The person who publishes expressly releases from any subsequent responsibility to the University of Chile, for any legal, regulatory or contractual infraction that may or may not have committed in relation to the work, being obliged to repair any damages that result from the infringement Or other rights. &nbsp; The person who publishes authorizes the Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, so that, by itself or through third parties expressly authorized by it, exercise the rights that are specified below, regarding Of the article sent. &nbsp; Publication, edition, reproduction, adaptation, distribution and sale of reproduced printed copies, including the free public online distribution by electronic or digital means of the article, in the language of publication, in any known territory, whether Or non-Spanish speaking, and for all types of printed edition in paper and electronic or digital, through its inclusion in the ReChTO or other publication edited by the Center.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>At the time of publication in the journal, the authors must allow in the publication, make clear who is the owner of the copyright on his article, who has not ceded his rights to a third person and has not granted another / To any existing exclusive license. The same applies to images, tables, photos, graphics, etc., that accompany the article.</p> Retratos del cuidado de la terapia ocupacional en el contexto hospitalario frente a la pandemia COVID-19 <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This paper presents the practical experiences of occupational therapists who worked in a hospital context during the COVID-19 pandemic, from March to May 2020. With a qualitative approach, care actions are portrayed, based on data from an interview script. <strong>Results</strong>: The four interviewees are aged between 33 and 37 years old, three women and one man, with training time between 10 and 12 years, who worked between 4 and 7 years in high and medium complexity hospitals. Acting in direct assistance to patients and families, in management and or in teaching. Based on a situational diagnosis, care actions were developed for the team, patients in wards and intensive care units and families. With an active, careful and effective posture, they contributed so that the impacts of illness, hospitalization and deprivation of social contacts were minimized. Therapists reported impacts on their daily work due to changes in the work routine, the need to reorganize time, care for non-contamination, incorporation of new activities, making telephone calls, reducing social contacts between staff, increasing the level of stress, fear to contaminate themselves and their families. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Despite the immense challenges, occupational therapists were involved in the care process within hospitals, working with patients, their families and staff, being essential for coping with the pandemic by COVID-19.</p> Claudia Aline Valente Santos Carla Regina Silva Juliana Cristina Venancio da Silva Sara Mariana Castro Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-11-14 2024-11-14 25 15 15 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.60581 SENSIBILIZAR E SENSIBILIZAR-SE NA SALA DE ESPERA: AS VIVÊNCIAS DE UM CENTRO SAÚDE ESCOLA O presente estudo visa descrever as experiências na implementação e realização de educação em saúde em sala de espera na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Como objetivos específicos busca identificar quais estratégias da Terapia Ocupacional podem ser aplicadas em sala de espera e identificar quais os resultados são obtidos em sala de espera. Este estudo possui caráter descritivo, no modelo de relato de experiência. Desenvolvido em um Centro de Saúde Escola, de fevereiro a julho de 2021. Foram planejadas e estruturadas 10 atividades. Foram realizadas 7 atividades, totalizando 88 participantes, sendo 72 do sexo feminino, evidenciando a predominância do sexo feminino, sendo priorizado o uso de metodologias ativas. Os principais desafios identificados foram a presença de barulho na Unidade, os usuários se mostrarem desacostumados e receosos frente a proposta e os profissionais da equipe da Unidade apresentaram dificuldade em compreender o significado da proposta. Os facilitadores encontrados foram partir das demandas dos usuários permitindo maior adesão, dialogar e planejar antecipadamente com a equipe do serviço e a aproximação entre os presentes, com uma comunicação horizontalizada. A vivência evidenciou que a sala de espera deve ser usada como um espaço de cuidado em saúde, uma vez que permite com êxito trocas e assim construções individuais e coletivas de conhecimento com maiores chances de mudança no estilo de vida, sendo importante que estas ações estejam também no planejamento do serviço. No entanto, apesar da presença considerável de publicações na área, se mostra reduzido as publicações que contemplem a atuação e experiência do Terapeuta Ocupacional. Carolina Albuquerque Alves Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-11-12 2024-11-12 25 16 16 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.67331 Rehabilitation of the symptom of fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis. Systematic review. <p>Objetive: the objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency from occupational therapy in the methods of rehabilitation of fatigue in people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.</p> <p>Methodology: a bibliographic search was carried out in the Pubmed, Scielo, Dialnet, Cochrane, OT-Skeer, and PEDro databases, as well as a second search through references of the articles found in these sources. 13 randomized clinical trials published in the last 10 years were included.</p> <p>Results: The 13 included articles carried out interventions based on physical exercise, cognitive-behavioral therapy, aquatic therapy, motor imagery and neurofeedback to reduce the symptoms of fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis.</p> <p>Conclusion: Fatigue rehabilitation has positive effects in people with multiple sclerosis, improving self-efficacy and perception of it, thus impoving quality of life. However, more research is needed, especially from the field of occupational therapy.</p> Sara Gamero Gómez Sergio Rodriguez Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-01-18 2024-01-18 25 21 21 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.70468 Sensory processing dysfunctions in a sample of the population seen at an early childhood center: preliminary results Objective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of the presence of Sensory Processing Dysfunctions (PSD) in a sample of the Spanish population that attends an Early Childhood Care Center (CAIT) for intervention, using the tool Sensory Profile in its Spanish version. Methods: Descriptive study. The sample consisted of 82 minors between the ages of 3 and 6, whose families completed the SP. Results: The prevalence of DPS in the sample was 90.2%. Conclusions: A very high prevalence of DPS was found in the Spanish population treated in a CAIT, which justifies the evaluation in this sense of said population, as well as the inclusion of the Occupational Therapist within the team that makes up the intervention units of these centers. jessica Romero Sánchez Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 25 15 15 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.70536 (Des)equilibrio Ocupacional como una experiencia colectiva: Relación entre la implementación de medidas sociosanitarias y el desequilibrio ocupacional de estudiantes en internado clínico de Terapia Ocupacional en una Universidad pública de la zona centro La siguiente investigación es una propuesta teórica de análisis sobre la relación entre el concepto de desequilibrio ocupacional y la implementación de medidas socio sanitarias en Chile durante la pandemia de COVID-19. El equilibrio ocupacional es una experiencia personal influenciada por las características de la persona, sus ocupaciones y el contexto. El concepto de desequilibrio ocupacional tiene sus propias bases teóricas basadas en la superación de esta percepción o del sometimiento frente a la misma. Para este estudio se propone una metodología de investigación cualitativa desde un paradigma crítico y diseño fenomenológico, que busque la raíz de las problemáticas ocupacionales a partir de la comprensión de injusticias sociales frente a la pandemia y de inequidades sociales al implementar las medidas sociosanitarias en Chile. Rodrigo González Oyarzún Francisca Silva Ibacache Constanza Acevedo Mora Genesis Pino González María José Muñoz González Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 25 15 15 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.72744 Percepción de los Profesionales de la Educación respecto al Rol del Terapeuta Ocupacional en la Inclusión Educativa y el trabajo colaborativo La terapia ocupacional en el contexto chileno ha experimentado transformaciones significativas en su campo de acción. Una de estas transformaciones se relaciona con su inserción gradual en el entorno educativo, en el cual aún existen incongruencias en la regulación de su incorporación y funciones de acuerdo con la normativa actual vigente. En el contexto educativo la terapia ocupacional conlleva una labor colaborativa que fomenta una conexión activa entre los diversos miembros de la comunidad escolar. Esto, a su vez, propicia la ejecución de una serie de iniciativas orientadas hacia el fomento de la educación inclusiva. El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en analizar las percepciones que poseen los profesionales de la educación con respecto al rol del terapeuta ocupacional en favor de la inclusión y el trabajo colaborativo en un colegio particular subvencionado de la región del Biobío en Chile. Se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada a profesionales asistentes de la educación y docentes de aula regular del establecimiento. Para el análisis de datos se utilizó el software cualitativo Nvivo en su versión 14. Los resultados obtenidos indican que profesionales de la educación perciben al terapeuta ocupacional como un aporte significativo para la inclusión escolar, dado que contribuye con nuevas herramientas y conceptos que amplían la labor educativa hacia la atención de la diversidad. Desde este punto, se evidencia la trascendencia de establecer una regulación que rija su incorporación y rol en las comunidades educativas. Esta medida busca asignar los tiempos y recursos indispensables para ejecutar sus funciones de manera eficaz. Nicole Fuentes Rodríguez Daniela Oviedo Mora Victoria Hernández Díaz Claudio Rojas Molina Constanza Alcaíno Bustos Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 25 15 15 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.72770 Academic Stress, Occupational Performance and Coping Strategies in students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile during the year 2023 Introduction: Academic Stress occurs with great prevalence in university students. This manifests itself in multiple ways in each individual, who adopt Coping Strategies to manage this problem, which in turn has an impact on the daily life and Occupational Performance of each student. Objective: Analyze the relationship between Academic Stress, Occupational Performance and Coping Strategies used by university students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile (UCH) during the year 2023. Methodology: The research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach, interpretive paradigm, exploratory and descriptive scope. In-depth interviews and cross-analysis were carried out. The study sample corresponds to 4 students from the UCH Faculty of Medicine of Speech Therapy, Obstetrics and Childcare, Occupational Therapy and Kinesiology. Results: The manifestations of Academic Stress were classified as physical such as headaches or physical exhaustion, psychological such as anxiety and irritability, and behavioral such as isolation and impulsivity. Coping Strategies were classified according to their focus: focused on the problem as the organization of the study; in emotion such as family containment or; in positive states where resilience was obtained in the face of poor academic performance. Regarding Occupational Performance, the results show the negative influence of Academic Stress in the areas of Rest and Sleep, Education and Social Participation. Conclusions: Academic Stress triggers repercussions in different areas of daily life and occupations of university students, for which students implement coping strategies. Caroline Denisse Riquelme Sepúlveda Paloma Robles Pizarro Monserratt Suarez Carvajal Camila Salinas Moreno Sandra Mella Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-09-10 2024-09-10 25 18 18 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.73397 Training of occupational therapists for anti-oppression <p>Despite the generalist training that is intended to be offered in occupational therapy courses, it is evident that uncritical perspectives still predominate in teaching related to diversity. At the University of Brasília (UnB), this issue was debated among the students, as they complained that there were no disciplines that specifically discussed the theme of race/ethnicity, as well as other social markers of difference. In this sense, the objective of this study is to discuss the experience of the occupational therapy course at UnB in the process of claiming, made by the students, a discipline that addressed the social markers of difference and the therapeutic-occupational intervention. From the organization and struggle of a group of black students, the discipline <em>Research in Occupational Therapy 1</em> was consolidated, with the theme <em>Social Markers of Difference and Antioppressive</em> Praxis in the university course. This experience shows the relevance of the presence of disciplines in occupational therapy courses that address the social markers of difference, so that there is a training of engaged professionals, who are aligned with a technical, ethical and political practice and are attentive to daily lives and ways of life, sometimes invisible, seeking to carry out a transformative praxis.</p> Ana Laura Gomes de Moura Jéssica Daiane Matias Silva Amanda Carvalho Vieira Rafael Garcia Barreiro Magno Nunes Farias Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 25 10 10 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.74069 Actividades transgresoras: desentramando las relaciones entre ocupación, contexto, motivaciones e identidades en el trabajo con juventudes criminalizadas En este ensayo se ofrece criterios para el razonamiento profesional en torno a la comprensión del delito como una ocupación significativa ejercida por juventudes criminalizadas, considerando tanto las motivaciones que la impulsan, como el efecto que tiene en el desarrollo de su identidad individual y social. Se desarrolla el delito como una ocupación significativa, corporal, subjetivante y socializante que impacta en el desarrollo y el desempeño ocupacional de las juventudes que la ejercen. También se desarrollan algunas orientaciones para la práctica de Terapia Ocupacional, desde una perspectiva del desistimiento delictual y la gestión de riesgos, orientada a promover el bienestar y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de esta población. Gabriela Rubio Calero Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional 2024-08-29 2024-08-29 25 13 13 10.5354/0719-5346.2024.72747