Comparative narrative analysis of the series Lost with audiovisual productions of fiction


  • Víctor Álvarez Rodríguez Universidad de Cádiz


Through a methodology based on narrative analysis, this research exposes how the multicultural, thematic and structural narrative construction of the television series Lost (ABC 2004-2010) has transcended to other contemporary and subsequent audiovisual creations. It becomes in a key piece that bases diverse communication discourses. Lost establishes a new creation model for different audiovisual products based on intertextuality. By observing different cases based on similarities and inheritances with this series, the hypothesis of this study suggests through the discourse analysis of different television and film fictions, how this influences their processes. Among them, we find Star Wars, which in its new cinematic proposals implanted considerable elements of content coinciding with Lost. Likewise, this article also shows from an analytical perspective the evolution and trends of different audiovisual products in recent years.


narrativa, comunicación, ficción, discurso, análisis audiovisual, series, televisión