Bioethics hermeneutics as rational practice, reasoned and sensitive, can set in motion, through deliberation, dialogue and interpretive analysis, different discursive responses that contribute to give new meaning to the conditions of social inter-relationships and family constructions under both the ethical aim, good life oriented (teleological) and in the regulatory framework (ethics). In abuse and child abuse is necessary to generate new understandings and discourses as a result of the new
social , cultural and affiliates forms; simultaneously overcome the dichotomy persistent offender and victim to interpret, reinterpret and propose new approaches to public policy and public health. This paper demonstrates the possibility of generating new elements from the leaders in integrative approaches, ethical , political and social shifts in the way where child abuse is understood in a complex and dynamic perspective, which places it in the field of human interactions and its vicissitudes, It is pretended to construct mutual relationships and consideration for the other , based on the perspective of social bioethics and hermeneutics , to create spaces for coordination with public health, in which “ the intentionality of the good life “ “with and in just institutions” are the axes.
bioethics hermeneutics, public health, public policy, meeting categories, abuse and chill abuse
Cardozo de Martínez, C. A., Maldonado Gómez, O. del C., García González, A., & Segovia Baus, S.J., G. (2015). Definition of public policy in the prevention and management of maltreatment and abuse: hermeneutics of bioethics and public health as relevant. Acta Bioethica, 21(1). Retrieved from